by Edward Lakatis
Human beings are naturally creative. If we didn’t have that creative spark within us, we would probably still be living in caves, crawling on the ground and fighting with wild animals for our food. New invention ideas have made it possible for human kind to lit up the first fire, build shelter, develop electricity and reach a more or less civilized state.
Being creative is a human characteristic that we take for granted. In fact, almost every daily activity we do _whether professional or not_ demands our constantly coming up with innovative ideas: what we prepare for dinner, what we give us a birthday present, the slogan for a new product, and so on. In fact, in some professional niches such as in advertising or art, people are expected to be constantly creative.
Inventors also belong to this group and they tend to feel disappointed or useless when they fail to think about new invention ideas. Have they lost that special spark? Won’t they be able to surprise us with their innovations any longer? Not at all, many a time they find themselves deprived of new invention ideas because they are trapped in mental barriers that prevent them from connecting themselves with the more playful and open-minded aspect of their personality.
That being said, it seems quite obvious then that the best way of being able once again to find inspiration and develop new invention ideas is by breaking those mental barriers. But, how do you do it? The answer is quite simple: with positive attitude.
Why Is Having A Positive Attitude So Important in Breaking Mental Barriers?
Mental barriers constrain us. They limit our ability to think out of the box. Therefore, we are trapped in a vicious circle that prevents us from generating new solutions and ideas. And, as we don’t think out of the box, we end up finding the same solutions to the same problem over and over again.
However, when we face this issue with a positive attitude we are able to look at the bright side of things. We get rid of that specific or obsessive thinking and our mind opens up and can come up with new invention ideas, a new menu for tonight’s supper or a nice message to add to a birthday card. Having a positive attitude makes mental barriers disappear or, at least, it helps us not to look at them as so heavy.
As a result, mental barriers turn challenges we need to overcome and our positive attitude just gives us the impulse we need to do it.
Blocked New Invention Ideas?: How to Break Ordinary Mental Barriers With Positive Attitude
You are too practical
Being practical is definitely an advantage when you need to put your new invention ideas into practice. However, when practicality appears during the creative process it prevents your own creativity to blossom. And you may discard a crazy idea that is totally doable just because your inner Mr Practical is raising his voice.
When you leave practicality aside and look at things with a positive mind you start discovering all the different shades of grey that your idea has. A positive mind allows you to ask yourself “What if…?” and find new sources of inspiration.
Stuck in Finding the “Right” Answer
We are trained to find the correct answer and discard all other possible alternatives. Our new invention ideas need to be THE most creative, THE most original, THE most innovative or they are not worthy.
When this happens, only a positive attitude invites us to appreciate what we have thought of, reframing the issue in multiple ways.
My Creativity Is Lost
As it has already been said, everybody can come up with new invention ideas. Creativity is in our DNA and, therefore, it cannot be lost. We may have some more or less creative moments in our life but we can’t stop being creative.
This is probably the mental barrier that is most difficult to break and the one that demands a conscious positive attitude. When you have a positive mind you are able to discover different alternatives and are more receptive to suggestions that may lead you to a total innovative answer.
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