Once you discover that you suffer from anxiety, it is imperative to figure out what the best course of treatment will be. It can be difficult to discern whether your anxiety is something that can be overcome on your own or whether you need to seek professional help. When you ask “How to get over anxiety?” question, here are a few basic steps that you can take that can assist in determining the level of severity of anxiety you may suffer from.
Clearly Identify the Source of Anxiety
Anxiety is detrimental for your health and it crushes your potential. It is important to identify where the source of your anxiety is coming from. The source could be from something in your environment, from a specific incident or because of an impending event, meeting or activity. It is much easier to face fear and anxiety if you are clear about what it is. Often times, not knowing exactly what is causing your anxiety can add to the anxiety that you already feel. As difficult as it may seem to learn what is causing your worry, the fear of the unknown can be detrimental on its own.
Determine If Your Anxiety Can Be Solved On Your Own
Once you know what is causing your anxiety, you can start to determine whether it is something that can be dealt with. Ask yourself these questions: What can I do to lessen my anxiety? Is it a long-term or short-term fix? What steps can I take to prevent the anxiety from happening again?
Consider Worse Case Scenario
If you feel as if your anxiety is consuming your every thought, take some time to really think about the honest and absolute worst thing that could happen as a result of your anxiety. If you can manage to think critically about your situation, you may come to realize that there are very few situations that cannot be handled in a reasonable manner.
Accept Uncertainty
At this point, it is best to simply accept the uncertainty. Worrying about the unknown is counterproductive and an unnecessary source of fear that we sometimes fall victim to. If you can learn to accept the concept of chance, many aspects of your anxiety can become less prominent. This is probably the most difficult step for anyone.
If working through these steps is impossible or seemingly unhelpful to you, then you should seek help from a professional. Some people are not able to answer the question “How do I get over anxiety?” on their own. Some anxiety is a normal part of everyday life. If, however, your anxiety has become a debilitating and disruptive condition in your life, affecting relationships, work, school and/or sleep, it is recommended that you seek help. You should consult your doctor if you find that your anxiety overwhelms you to the point of not being able to think straight or rationalize normally. Be honest with yourself about how you are feeling and what your symptoms are. It is imperative to seek help immediately for anxiety disorders because, if left untreated, they can lead to very serious medical issues.
Other Practical Recommendations
*Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – This is a psychotherapeutic approach that aims to treat certain dysfunctional emotions and cognitive processes using goal-oriented and organized procedures. It is considered to be successful in treating a variety of condition including anxiety. CBT was created by integrating a combination of behavioral therapy and cognitive psychology.
*Moodkit is a mood improvement tool for mobile devices that can help to give you the guidance and wisdom to become your own expert on your moods.
*Stress is often a big factor with anxiety issues. Taking steps to alleviate your everyday stress can help to improve your overall mood and ability to handle potentially anxiety-ridden situations. Mindful meditation has been shown in recent studies to help reduce anxiety. This form of meditation focuses on breath and body sensations as well as objectively evaluating your anxious thoughts and emotions. There has been significant research to suggest that surrounding yourself with nature can be a powerful stress reliever. Outdoor exercise can be more anxiety and stress reducing than exercising inside of a gym.
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