Six Tips for Depression Self Help

May 21, 2013

depression self-help

We all get depressed at some point in our lives. We also know how difficult it is to do our tasks when we’re feeling down. Even simple things like cleaning the house, taking a shower, eating, or getting out of bed can be mentally and physically taxing even for strong-willed individuals. Most people deal with depression in a negative way, some will find ways to escape, some will blame other people for their woes, while others wouldn’t even acknowledge their woes. The easy way out of depression is to run to psychiatrist and ask for medication. Healthier option is to go to psychologist or therapist and sign up for psychotherapy e.g.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  But what about depression self help? Can you pull yourself out of depression without medication?

Motivation is the key to get back to living your life and feeling better when you are feeling helpless. I know that this can be the last thing on your mind when you’re down, but there are some tricks you can do to get your groove back. Here are six ways to stay motivated during the bad times:

Don’t be too hard on yourself

It will take time before you feel like your old self again. You need to be patient before you can get things back under control. Changes don’t happen overnight, don’t feel bad if you commit mistakes or fall short of your goals. In many cases, you are your number one critic, so be more forgiving. Give yourself a pat on the back even for simple accomplishments.

Write your plans on paper

In order to get out of your funk, you need to remind yourself that everything will be alright. Get back on track by writing your plan down. When you put everything down on a piece of paper, you are indirectly reassuring your subconscious mind that you’ll do something about your situation, helping you overcome your depression. Be detailed about your plans and include a time table so you can track your progress easily.

Be realistic

Don’t go overboard when writing down your goals. Setting lofty goals is one way to set yourself up for failure, leading to more frustration and depression. Start with simple changes you know you can achieve and work your way up from there. Achieving your goals gives you a sense of accomplishment which you can build on. Being realistic is like taking baby steps towards achieving your goals.

Get up and start moving

When you’re feeling bad, it seems like staying in bed all day is all you can do. Being sedentary will only sink you further down into depression. Don’t make any excuses and just start an exercise routine. If you have been inactive for too long, you can start by walking around your neighborhood for thirty minutes each day. You’ll find that exercise builds on itself, so you can increase intensity over time. Staying active will not only help get you in shape, but is also an excellent way to make you feel good. It promotes the release of endorphins, a neurotransmitter that elevates mood and reduces anxiety.

Find someone to talk to

We naturally withdraw from the outside world when we’re depressed. Being alone isn’t the best or the easiest way to deal with your dilemma. Go out of your way and seek help from family and friends. There are lots of people who are always willing to lend a helping hand during your time of need. Finding inspiration in others can help get you back on your feet. If you are having problems with seeing other people face to face, you can always start with e-mails and phone calls; the important thing is you are talking to someone. You can also try calling help lines if you don’t know anyone to talk to about your problem.

Start working on a project

Working on something unrelated to your problems is a great way to get your mind of things that bother you the most. This could be your best therapy. Work on something that interests you to help keep your mind off of depression and give yourself a treat when you’re done. You can learn how to play an instrument, a new language, or anything that gets your creative juice flowing.  Try different things and practice whatever works as your personal depression self help.

Getting out of depression may be challenging, but with a little planning and progress you can find that silver lining once again. Just hang in there and know that you are bigger than your problems; you’ll be back to your old self sooner than you think. The sun will be shining again.

This article was prepared by Simon Bukai who owns and operates Vista Health Solutions, a health insurance marketplace. Vista Health Solutions provides helpful advice and valuable insight to consumers looking for the best health insurance solution.

 Image Credit: Julien