Breaking mental barriers is often necessary to achieve your goals. Our thoughts precede our emotions, and our emotions fuel our actions. This is true when you want to lose weight, too. You first need to see it in your mind. You need to visualize yourself fit and healthy. Once you bring into your mind those emotions of having energy, vitality, and looking good, then taking action toward achieving a healthier you becomes easier. You don’t need to push yourself every morning to exercise and eat healthy. Instead, your goal pulls you into taking the right action.
I recently read about Robert, an obese individual who achieved his weight loss dream after realizing that the battle is in his mind. He eliminated barriers in his mind that had sabotaged his previous weight loss attempts. For the first time he started picturing himself thin, healthy, and whole. The change came from a program called Nutrisystem.

So what is a Nutrisystem? It is a weight loss program that began as meeting places to provide products and counseling for success. Since the late 1990s, the program was changed and designed to sell directly to the consumer, becoming one of the most popular online resources for easy, healthy weight loss. It is implemented for people of all ages and genders, from plans to help the diabetic, teens ages 14 to 17, women, vegetarians and individuals of senior years. You choose your plan, make your food choices and watch the foods get delivered straight to your door. While on the program, you have total support from staff and a forum of other members who are on the same weight loss journey. Robert from South Carolina was looking for such help and decided to take the plunge.
How Robert Succeeded with Nutrisystem
Robert, like so many of us, has tried every diet plan for the past 20 years in hopes of shedding some pounds. He heard of the Nutrisystem program and decided to give it a try, noticing progress in only a few days from the date he received his food order. Robert was so happy with the food choices and the ability to adapt the foods to meet his irregular work and eating schedule. What impressed him was the personal support by real people. He stated that “questions I had were always answered by a real person that seemed to actually care about me.”
Beside the personal support, Robert was delighted with all the online tools to success such as the ability to set realistic goals, weight tracking, interacting with others he can relate to, feedback and comments from the community along with menu and recipe ideas using the Nutrisystem foods. In order to fit his busy schedule, Robert was able to download a diet tracker onto his cell phone for continual help, losing a permanent weight loss of 80 pounds.
For those who worry that pounds will try to return, he offers some tips; read labels, eat healthy snacks, watch sodium intake and calories. Through the Nutrisystem program, you learn healthy eating habits for long-term success. It is always helpful to have the love and support of friends, co-workers, others on the weight loss journey and family.
Savings on the Way to Weight Loss
People most often feel that Nutrisystem can be a costly weight loss choice although it is economical if you consider the cost of groceries compared to the foods provided. To make the plan more affordable, and various other sites offer discounts to encourage membership and weight loss. Some discount options can be found at while others are available at Such discounts may include $50 discount from your first order with a 20 percent discount on subsequent auto-delivery orders, $30 off of your first order plus the special going on right now for 35 percent off of your first order and 5 percent every month thereafter, up to a total of a 50 percent discount. If you choose to order ala carte and form your own plan, you can order a membership for about $50 which guarantees you 20 percent off all subsequent orders and free delivery for up to a year. You choose the plan that best meets your needs.
Weight Loss Options Similar to Nutrisystem
It is sometimes difficult to make a decision on choosing the best weight loss program. Some of the plans similar to Nutrisystem are Jenny Craig and Medifast along with other options such as Weight Watchers, and that can help you choose the best plan that meets your needs and lifestyle. You just need to do your research if you are looking for the best eating plan that fits your schedule and way of life.
What keeps you from achieving your goal?
Perhaps, you don’t have a strong “why” behind it. Whether you want to lose weight, make more money, or find the mate of your soul, breaking emotional and mental barriers is necessary to realize your dream. Once you clarify your goal and empower it with a strong “why”, then commit to making it happen. Robert succeeded because he made a commitment, and so can you.
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