1. Relationship Counselling Can Bring Back Happiness

    October 13, 2013

    Relationship Counselling

    by Jacques Tombazian

    There are times when your relationship can go through a major upheaval. Such situations may arise due to a host of factors ranging from misunderstanding, confusion and indifference to each other’s needs. Whenever there is a discord in the relationship both the individuals tend to suffer. When the suffering increases many couples seek for divorce or separation. Discord in relationship is though common among couples, isn’t restricted to only between husband and wife or lovers. It can be between two friends, a parent and the child or even among business partners. When a fault line develops in a relationship it is worth a try strengthen the bond back to normal. It is famously said sick relationships should be healed rather than abandoned. This is where relationship counselling is of great help.

    Discord in relationship cannot be treated with medication and it needs to be treated with internal healing. It is important for both the parties in a troubled relationship to gain control over their mind and activities and come to terms for a common cause. While healing a relationship one of the first things that the counselor would try and do countering the miscommunication and misinterpretation that lead to problems in the relationship. Individuals often feel suffocated and accuse the other of not accommodating their thoughts and views. Thus when you go for a counseling session they would encourage you to open up and share your side of the story. It might often seem that there is a healthy and sick partner in the relationship. In such cases it is the moral responsibility of the healthy partner to standby the sick partner through the trying times in the relationship.

    One of the things that healing services stress on when it comes to rekindling a relationship is to accept what the other individual has to say about him or herself. You need to accept the fact that their perception might be truer than yours. Often the major reason being discord in any relationship is ego. This tends to make our judgements bias and prevents us from seeing what is obvious. For healthy relationships the counsellor would also need to involve change and transformation in both the individuals and the relationship itself. Since discord arises due to certain activities and traits in the individuals it is important for both the parties to shed some of those activities and traits. The degree of change may differ from case to case.

    Thousands of individuals have benefited from relationship counselling and found happiness again. Alchemy healing practices some of the advanced healing techniques for relationships and leads individuals to an improved physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  Jacques Tombazian is an experienced counsellor who has devised some advanced healing techniques that helps individuals gain back the trust and understanding that often eludes them when there is a discord in the relationship. Alchemy provides energetic support and coaching through hands on healing sessions and distant healing sessions. Many individuals and couples have benefited from this internal healing technique that helps the mind along with the relationship.

    Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/51014621@N00/7448673886

  2. Ten Tips to Keep Your Social Media Presence from Destroying Your Marriage

    September 15, 2013

    It is undeniable that social media has immeasurable benefits in our modern society, however keeping up with an active social media presence can have devastating effects on your romantic relationships, especially marriage. Social media provides us with the ability to connect with people in our social networks and maintain relationships with distant friends that would otherwise fade away (remember your elementary school pen pal?). Even the most innocent of actions, like posting a new photo or a status update, can have a lasting impact on your relationship with your significant other. Social media and online networks are a large part of today’s constantly connected cultural milieu, and play a significant role in the way we interact with one another. It is also a primary means by which we gather information and share ideas; but like any tool, social media can be harmful if it is misused. Keep these tips in mind if you want to keep your social media presence from harming or potentially ending your romantic relationships.

    1.       R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

    Love, trust, communication, and respect. Those are key elements that the foundation a good romantic relationship is built on. Don’t let yourself fall into the ever present social media trap of putting your spouse on blast when they do something that irks you. Everyone makes mistakes, and yes, some are worse than others, but that is not an excuse to put your partner down in front of a virtual audience of Facebook friends or Twitter followers. No matter what the circumstances surrounding the issue may be, resist the urge to turn to social media to air out your dirty laundry. It’s far too easy for people to turn to social media when they want to feel like they are not alone in their dissatisfaction, but venting in the heat of the moment can have lasting consequences. It is not worth posting something you can’t take back just to feel like someone else is on your side when you have a disagreement with your significant other. Remember—deleting a post from your timeline or twitter feed does not delete the memory in the minds of the people who saw it before you realized it was a bad idea.

    2.       Adopt a “Cool Down” Period

    A “cool down” period is a mutually agreed upon time frame in which a couple can take a step back to reflect on the disagreement at hand before acting on their thoughts and feelings. Social media provides an easily accessible outlet to quickly and impulsively vent about your interpersonal problems, but just because you can vent online, doesn’t mean you should. Rallying others on your side and publicly shaming your partner is one of the most damaging things you can do in a relationship (even if you are still naïve enough to think after-the-fact damage control deleting does the trick). A good rule of thumb is to stay off of social media altogether when you are angry with your spouse. This will prevent any emotionally driven posts from making their way to your social network, which only serves to make matters worse when your relationship has already hit a speed bump. Reserve your opinion about the problem(s) you are facing in your relationship for you and your spouse…and maybe a relationship counselor.

    3.       Update Your Partner Before Your Social Network

    Take a moment to harken back to the days before the innovation of social media, when the only people who were constantly updated on your status were the few who were closest to you; not hundreds or thousands of acquaintances you stay connected to online. When your significant other has to find out about something that takes place in your life by way of a social media update that is shared with everyone else in your network, it can make them feel like you have grouped them into the same category as the acquaintances you rarely see. Making your spouse priority one when you have an update to share will show that you put them first, and that they hold a special place in your heart that the rest of your network does not. Adopt this strategy of making your spouse the first person to hear news you have to share, good or bad, and watch your relationship improve. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it’s the small things like that which make relationships last.

    4.       Privacy Please!

    Social media has all but obliterated the idea of privacy, especially in romantic relationships. Certain things should still remain sacred in your relationship, which is why you and your spouse should agree on what is off limits when it comes to social sharing. Things like the intimate details of your relationship, screen shots of messages, videos or photos of your spouse should be kept offline (sleeping photos aren’t flattering for anyone, no matter how funny they may be). Respect your relationship and your partner by keeping some things offline and private. Ask yourself this question: at the end of the day, is sharing the intimate details of your relationship with your entire social network really bringing anything positive into your relationship? Chances are the answer is going to be a solid no 99.9% of the time.

    5.       Establish a United Front

    You don’t have to agree with your spouse on every issue, but you shouldn’t be actively rooting against them either, especially in front of the members of your social network. If you and your spouse disagree on politics or a topic that one of you happens to be particularly passionate about, be mindful of posting comments or links to websites or articles that actively go against those specific topics. This does not mean you are forbidden to talk about these issues, but if you do, try to keep it positive or at the very least objective. If you disagree with the viewpoints or ideals of your partner, keep it between the two of you and don’t announce it online.

    6.       What Would Your Spouse Think?

    Always consider how your spouse would feel if they saw everything you did online. Scary thought, right? Be a considerate partner, and think twice before publicly commenting. Consider how your spouse would feel if they saw that you liked an ex’s bathroom mirror duck-face “selfie”. Also, you might want to re-think having friends in your network that also double as skeletons in your closet. Regardless of how confident and secure your spouse is in your relationship and themselves, no one wants to see their significant other’s previous romantic partners interacting with them online. Social media can act as a catalyst for break-ups if used carelessly. According to a popular website that offers detailed divorce statistics, over 20% of divorce filings in 2011 contained the word “Facebook”. While Facebook may not be the core reason for divorces, it does provide an all too easy way for partners to act out in a manner that can easily lead to the dissolution of their marriage.

    7.       Insist That Family and Friends Respect Your Partner

    Respecting your spouse on social media not only applies to you, but your social network connections as well. If you find that you have a friend or family member that has strong negative opinions of your spouse or disapproves of your relationship, be clear with them about setting boundaries and enforce these boundaries if they cross the line. Hopefully those in your social network respect both your relationship and your spouse, but if they don’t, you may need to be clear with them that disrespect simply will not be tolerated. It may be a simple statement like, “Mom, I know you like to look at our Facebook pages to see what we are up to, but I would really appreciate it if you could make those comments to me in private.” Tell them to filter their thoughts before sharing them online, and if they continue to ignore your requests and passively disrespect your spouse from behind a keyboard, remove them from your network. It may seem harsh, but cutting off a Facebook friend and restricting your communication with them to the telephone or face-to-face is a much better option than allowing them to disrupt your relationship and cause unnecessary drama between you and your partner.

    8.       The Classic ‘Overshare’

    It may be your personality to share everything you do with the rest of your network, but if your spouse doesn’t share that same desire to be an open book, don’t include them in your habit of oversharing. The ‘overshare’ on social media is so easy to do because access to social media accounts is conveniently available for those of us who have a smart phone within reach at all times. That is not to say you should avoid sharing anything regarding your spouse, however. It is easy to quickly post about the cute thing your wife just said or the awesome DIY project your husband just finished, and that can have a positive impact on your relationship and make your spouse feel appreciated. You just need to know what is ok to share and what is off limits. You should not share everything, and you especially shouldn’t divulge the most intimate details of your marriage to your social network.

    9.       Were You Talking to Me?

    It has become so common for couples to spend more time connecting with their social networks than connecting with each other. Are you the couple that sits on the couch next to each other while your eyes are glued to your phone, tablet or laptop? You may feel like you’re spending quality time with your partner because you are physically close to them, but are you making a real connection? Instead of ignoring one another and exploring the lives of everyone else online, make the effort to inject some romance into your marriage and plan a special outing for just the two of you, completely void of social media. A fun night out on the town with your significant other is definitely a story worth sharing.

    10. “Vague-booking”

    If you are not familiar with the term, ‘Vague-booking’ is internet vernacular for those all too common, Facebook posts that leave readers questioning exactly what they meant. “Of course this happened to me” or “Here we go again” are examples of vague-booking. You might think it’s cute or poetic to toss out these undecipherable one liners, but posting a message that is subject to interpretation by those who see it can be a dangerous game when you are in a committed relationship. If your spouse sees one of your vague-booking posts and interprets it the wrong way, it could lead to a serious misunderstanding that results in an argument. Make the message of your social media posts clear to avoid misinterpretation by your significant other – you aren’t coming off as deep as you think you are and you are opening the door for unnecessary relationship problems.


    Relationships aren’t easy and it takes a lot of work to keep both parties happy. There are enough obstacles that get in the way of a peaceful marriage (hello, in-laws!) so why add social media to the list of challenges you and your spouse will have to face together? If you and your spouse are social media junkies, you may want to keep these tips in mind. If you don’t, instead of checking your Facebook profile every five minutes, you may find yourself checking your Match.com profile instead.

    Image Credit: Federico Ravassard – https://www.flickr.com/photos/federicoravassard/8552043273

  3. 7 Secrets To A Successful Marriage

    May 20, 2013

    successful marriage

    by Margie Weigler

    Divorce rates are high, and even a lasting marriage is no guarantee that the relationship is a happy or successful one. Yet some couples seem to go on year after year and decade after decade and grow stronger through all of the trials of life. What are the secrets of those couples?

    A Change in Attitude

    Nobody feels in love all the time. People can’t force themselves to feel things, of course, but the ebb and flow of emotions during a long marriage are normal. The essence of commitment is continuing to behave in a loving manner even during times when one feels less than loving. The feelings of love will eventually return.

    Build Intimacy

    Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman have done extensive research on marriages that last, and one of their most important findings is that couples need to build intimacy with one another by responding to what the Gottmans refer to as “intimacy bids.” If couples are not responsive to one another in this way, the marriages tend to fail.

    Be Your Own Person

    While building intimacy is crucial, it’s also important to maintain independence. Couples who have their own friends and interests retain a strong sense of self and stay together because they choose to rather than out of an inability to be alone. These types of couples also continually bring a fresh and interesting perspective back to the marriage.


    The ability to communicate about everything from wants and needs to dreams and even just what happened during the day is crucial to a strong marriage. Different people may have different communication needs; some may not want to go over what happened at work that day while others may feel that several texts or phone calls throughout the day are necessary. The important thing is for partners to make an effort to meet one another’s communication needs.

    Avoid Gottman’s “Four Horseman”

    John Gottman has also identified four tendencies that he considers the death knell for relationships. Contempt, criticism, defensiveness and stonewalling are the four behaviors during conflict that will lead nearly every marriage to failure. Couples need to work hard on avoiding these in order to keep their marriages strong.

    Support One Another

    Among other things, marriage is about mutual support. Whether a partner loses a job, returns to school or faces other challenges in life, a marriage should provide a safe haven for both partners. Support also means being there for one another in the good times. No one should be happier than one’s spouse when a promotion or another important goal is reached.

    Make Quality Time

    It can be easy to fall into a pattern of going to work, taking care of chores and looking after children. Couples must make time to simply be together. They shouldn’t use that time to solve problems or deal with the mundane details of life. It’s not necessary to plan expensive weekends away. Date nights can be arranged even if babysitters are hard to come by. Half an hour talking on the sofa after the children are in bed a few times a week can go a long way toward keeping a marriage strong.

    Image Credit: Katsu Nojiri