1. How to Manage Stress Based on Your Personality Type

    July 25, 2013

    stressed out

    by Jeff Hirz

    Today’s Western society, somehow, someway, for some reason, is more stressed than it has ever been. Combine long working days with a sense of entitlement, increased incidence of immediate gratification, and the marketing delusion called American (Consumerist’s) Dream, and you’ve got yourself the richest countries in the world that are also the unhappiest and the most stressed.

    So begs the question – what can we do to improve ourselves?

    Starting at the Individual Level

    I am a lowly, burgeoning writer, and thus my talents have what one might call a “fat chance” of impacting the zeitgeist of the age. Therefore my attentions have turned to the individual rather than society as a whole. “Start small,” mama always said . . .

    So how can we, as individuals, improve ourselves? Much of it comes down to simply managing stress. Lower stress levels mean increased dopamine levels (i.e. happiness levels) mean everybody wins, so let’s turn to the wonderful folks at Harvard University to give us some answers. We can qualify and categorize ourselves, which helps many people help themselves, by using the DISC Theory Personality Traits, developed by scientists at Harvard.

    DISC Theory divides human behavior into four categories (or personality types): driver, compliance, influence and steadiness. But how do we incorporate these on an individual level to assist us in effectively managing stress?

    How Driver Personality Types Can Manage Stress

    With much of a driver’s value system centering on control, drive personality types will likely have the hardest time managing stress of all the DISC personalities. A drive personality type, however, is an innovator and problem-solver, having little fear associated with risk-taking – this is a distinct advantage in the area of stress management. They know they have to do something, that they have to take some action, to de-stress. At a surface level, this can be extremely beneficial.

    Driver personality types desire results, and so a step-by-step program with achievable goals along the way is a great starting point. If you can introduce stress management as a challenge to be overcome, a driver will be that much more motivated to effectively manage their stress – likely with a direct correlation with their odds of success.

    How Compliance Personality Types Can Manage Stress

    Compliance personality types are your list-makers, your fact-finders, and your quality control managers. If you find yourself in this category, you’re likely much more likely to bury stress and let it build up, not wanting to cause a fuss or blur any existing boundaries.

    For compliance personality types to effectively manage stress, it’s important that you lay out clear advantages in logical order with plenty of detail – make a detailed list of what it is you want to achieve and map it out for yourself. A strength of compliance personality types is that they are clear and logical thinkers who normally don’t let emotion get in the way of a task, so practicality and preparation is key when discovering why reducing stress levels is important. Clear out the clutter so you can focus in and direct your attention to a singular, clear-cut task.

    How Influence Personality Types Can Manage Stress

    Your influence personality type tends to be the more sensitive one of the group, so consideration of esteem, emotional balance and social acceptance will go a long way. Difficulties that influence personalities will encounter may stem from the fact that they appreciate a little more sensationalism and excitement, so they may be unintentionally welcoming stress into their lives. If you’re not sure you fit this mold, ask yourself this question: “Do I watch Real Housewives of [insert city here]?” If the answer is yes, you may be an influence personality type.

    But there’s still hope! Associate your stress with that same level of excitement and need for a bit of drama and treat it as a problem to be solved – influence personality types are notoriously creative and thrifty problem solvers whose general personality trends toward the positive. View your stress level from a top-down approach with little detail and plenty of freedom for interpretation – the typical influence personality will put more stock in the ride than any type of end-goal or destination.

    How Steadiness Personality Types Can Manage Stress

    Steadiness personalities are, well, steady. They’re the patient ones, the understanding ones, and everybody’s friend. Stress builds up in steadiness personality types due to an inability to juggle multiple tasks, to adapt quickly to change, or to properly establish priorities.

    A good way for the steadiness personality type to manage stress is to take baby steps: lay out a plan where activities are able to be started and finished. Steadiness personality types take great pleasure in the small successes, and so having baby steps along the path to No-Stress Land is a great motivator to pull yourself out of that stressful mindset.

    Keep in mind: most people are a combination of several of these different personality types, so when using the DISC personality types to evaluate how to alleviate your own stress, take into account that you likely don’t fall neatly into any singular category. Take techniques for multiple personality types and combine them to form your own unique method of managing your stress.

    But just knowing your personality type is a good first step. Just remember to keep walking.

    Image Credit: Giulia Bartra

  2. 8 Reasons To Stop Smoking Through Hypnosis

    June 29, 2013

    you got to stop smoking

    Tobacco use started in the late 15th century as a harmless habit, but by the 20th century people realized just how dangerous the long-term effects of smoking are. Today, it is one of the leading causes for premature death in various countries. Vigorous advertisement campaigns and awareness programs have helped in many ways. Almost everyone knows the dangers of smoking, especially those who smoke. Yet, you still find them smoking cigarettes day after day. The reasons for not quitting may vary, but one of the most common reasons is the lack of will power.
    If you have tried different ways to quit smoking but come out unsuccessful every single time, you may want to give a chance to hypnotherapy. The biggest challenge of quitting the habit is leaving the smoking routine you followed. Hypnotherapists generally do this by reminding you of the benefits of quitting and dangers of smoking. Here are the top 8 ways in which hypnotherapists convince you to stop smoking while you are in a deep state of relaxation.

    1. A longer life

    Did you know that you can increase your life expectancy by 10 years if you quit smoking by the time you hit 30 years? Imagine what you could do with that decade and how many more years can be saved by quitting early. Even if you quit when you are 60 years old, you can still add a few more years to your life.

    2. Better quality of life

    Quitting the habit will not only prolong your life but also improve the quality of life you enjoy. You have fewer health problems and feel better too.

    3. Improved immunity

    When you quit smoking, your immune system is no longer affected. Smoking lowers the efficacy of the body’s immune system and makes it more susceptible to various diseases.

    4. More energy

    Moreover, quitting helps in increasing your energy because your lungs and muscles function better and you sleep more soundly without nicotine in your system.

    5. Reduced stress

    Smokers often start the habit to reduce their stress, and the immediate effect of nicotine after withdrawal does give a relaxed feeling, but the feeling is short-lived. In the long run, smoking actually increases stress levels.

    6. Better looking skin and healthier feeling

    Smoking ages the skin prematurely by causing it to dry and dull and making it more prone to wrinkles. This effect reverses when you stop smoking because the skin begins to receive the necessary nutrients.

    7. Protecting your loved ones

    When smokers think of the dangers of their habit, they often focus on the dangers of active smoking. However, passive smoking can be as dangerous as active smoking, if not more. Passive smokers are those who breathe the same smoke that is exhaled by the smoker. Your family members, friends, and even children could be passive smokers. Quitting the habit helps ensure that they do not run the risk of developing diseases related to smoking.

    8. Better smell and taste

    The chemicals present in cigarettes tend to dull the taste buds in your mouth, which in turn affects the way you smell. As a result, the food and drink you have lose their taste and smell. Quitting the habit reduces the dullness and improves your sense of taste and smell.


    Author Bio: Tom is the guest blogger who blogs on behalf of Balance For Life, interested in writing articles that creates awareness on stop smoking through hypnosis.

    Image Credit: Mark Sebastian


  3. Positive Actions for Your Physical and Mental Health

    February 24, 2013

    Enjoy Longer Life

    There are all kinds of hacks out there, hacks to work well in the office, hacks to keep that computer running on maximum capacity, but what about hacks for the body and mind? The answers are out there to promote a longer, fuller life and your emotional and psychological well-being. You don’t need to be a physician or psychologist to understand these.  Most of these answers are common sense and it won’t take a lot of work, but positive lifestyle changes are key.

    Cut out inflammation!

    Inflammation is at the root of numerous health hazards that cause the human body to break down. Heart disease, extreme weight gain, and cancer result from a state of chronic inflammation. Unhealthy life styles that include too much insulin and too much stress mean bad news when it comes to longevity. Add a lack of relaxation, sleep, and activity for a nasty combination. People who lose the battle tend to forget to have fun. The motto should be, “Play hard, eat right, and rest up for another day.”

    Change is good!

    What can we do? Make a positive change for the better. Start eating right and getting exercise. The formula for a longer, healthier life hasn’t changed. Stop worrying, any psychologist will tell you that mental health is a foundation for your physical well-being  Get moving. It doesn’t have to be intense exercise, but physical activity should be a part of our daily regimen. A morning or evening walk is a simple fix. Not only does it promote physical health, it is positive for your emotional health results as well. People have to stress less and enjoy life more. You don’t need to go to psychologist for this, just learn to be in piece with reality. Cut out the smoking, get rid of the processed foods, and sleep well. Indulge in treats now and then, such as a glass of red wine or a piece of decadent, dark chocolate. The rest of the time, eat lean meats, fresh produce, and forget about the junk. Old habits may die hard, but a longer life is worth the effort. Learn the body hacks and live well!

    This health information was brought to you by BestHealthDegrees.com