1. Balance Your Life with Ayurveda And The Doshas

    March 24, 2014


    by Jacqueline De Burca

    A Guide To The Tridosha Concept

    For over 5000 years, the Ayurvedic system has offered a body of wisdom to help people to achieve balance and vitality, whilst realising their full potential. Practitioners of the ancient holistic system of Ayurvedic medicine view each human as an individual and diagnosis is carried out using all of the five senses. Ayurveda considers that the physical and mental aspects, as well as the personality combine to make a unit, of which all aspects can influence the others. Treatment can include the use of herbs, yoga, nutrition, panchakarma cleansing, Vedic astrology and acupressure massage.

    Native to the subcontinent of India, this traditional medicine system’s name Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit word ?yurveda, which means life-knowledge. There are texts on Ayurveda which date back to as early as the 3rd or 4th century B.C. However today in India the word is used to cover a range of traditional medicine, which means that there are numerous branches of Ayurveda now. Historically the system has enumerated the bodily substances into a framework of the five great elements (earth, water, fire, air and aether) which also interact with the seven tissues (blood, plasma, flesh, bone, marrow, adipose and reproductive).

    In Hinduism it is believed that humans and all of creation are made up of these five elements, which dissolve back into nature upon death, balancing nature’s cycle. However whilst living humans are affected by the five elements and Ayurveda aims to balance the three elemental substances, known as doshas. Known as the tridosha concept, tt is believed that each human being is a unique combination of the doshas, which defines their character and temperament. Every human has a natural systems state, which is a natural combination of the doshas. In Ayurveda is it believed that humans can achieve balance by seeking more of the element/s that they lack, which can be done through care of their habits, environment and behaviour.

    The three doshas are:

    Vata      – air and space = wind

    Pitta      – fire and water = bile

    Kapha    – water and earth = phlegm

    These fundamental energies affect both our inner and outer environment, plus they govern structure, movement and transformation. Upon diagnosis an Ayurvedic practitioner provides guidelines to be applied on a daily and seasonal basis. These include specific seasonal and daily routines, proper use of our senses, diet and behaviour. Ayurveda teaches that health is a result of a finely tuned integration between our spirit, body, mind and environment.


    If Vata is the predominant dosha a person tends to be light, thin, energetic and enthusiastic. Vata types can be visionaries, with wonderful imaginations but they can also get spaced out. On the positive side Vata has an abundance of creative energy, but needs to watch out for feeling uptight and anxious. Although Vata may have artistic talent, the mind can sometimes be restless. This can lead to over analysis and theorising. They can also have a tendency for over-indulgence in some of life’s pleasures.

    Vata is required to mobilise the functioning of the nervous system, so this is why when there is too much Vata – an imbalance of Vata, that the person may tire easily due to over thinking, anxiety and worry. It also affects flatulence, windy humour, rheumatism and gout.

    To Balance Vata

    • Create a routine
    • Listen to relaxing music
    • Meditate if possible twice every day to calm your mind
    • Your environment should have more earth tones and mild pastel shades
    • Before going to bed, try to minimise watching TV, eating or heavy reading
    • Oil your skin


    To Avoid Excess Vata

    • Avoid exposure to the cold
    • Don’t eat too much dry, leftover or frozen food, or food that is bitter or astringent
    • Avoid too much exercise
    • Avoid suppressing your natural urges
    • Don’t travel too much


    Those who have more of the Pitta dosha are often confident leaders. Their physique tends to be moderately strong, and they seem to walk with a sense of purpose. When they speak the voice is often strong, or even loud, and their speech is convincing. They are enthusiastic for knowledge, have a leaning towards being very focused and can have a razor sharp mind. Even when relatively balanced they can seem argumentative, but it is mixed with a sense of humour. However an excess of Pitta can make them irritable, fiery and snappy. Those with Pitta as the prevalent dosha can be organised perfectionists.

    The energy principle of Pitta is to use the bile to direct digestion and metabolism. As heat is its main quality, those with Pitta can suffer from overheating, skin irritations, ulcers and heartburn.

    To Balance Pitta

    • Spend time in cooling environments
    • Do gentle exercise that doesn’t overheat you
    • Try to learn to go with the flow
    • Eat cooling foods, cucumbers are excellent as are many vegetables and fruit
    • Avoid oily foods
    • Take deep breaths frequently, or do breathing exercies
    • Do yoga asanas which are gentle

    To Avoid Excess Pitta

    • Don’t overexposure yourself to heat
    • Avoid too much intellectual thinking
    • Avoid alcohol
    • Be careful of too much anger, fear or hate
    • Do not exercise in the middle of the day
    • Avoid antibiotics and ideally all drugs


    Kapha tends to have a broader frame and long limbs. They are compassionate and caring, often speaking in a slow, rhythmic manner. They are stable, patient people who don’t tend towards anger too easily – however if they are driven far enough then they don’t calm down very easily. Essentially full of love, loyal and kind-hearted, the Kapha is the dosha which is prone to gain weight easily. They take longer to learn but when they do the memory is strong. Also it may take then a while to reach a conclusion, but they make excellent logical analysts.

    If there is an excess of Kapha then the person may feel lethargic and over-indulgent. As phlegm is the controlling body fluid, Kapha types are prone to excess weight, congestion and a sluggish digestion.

    To Balance Kapha

    • Walk for around 15 minutes after eating to aid digestion
    • Be attentive to your food while eating, in other words be mindful
    • Trigger your natural energy by going to a yoga class
    • Breath deeply or do breathing exercises
    • Do an invigorating daily self massage

    To Avoid Excess Kapha

    • Avoid eating too much meat, dairy, fried food, salt and sweets
    • Don’t use sedatives or tranquilizers
    • Avoid exposure to the cold
    • Avoid doing little or nothing
    • Don’t drink too much water
    • Be careful about focusing too much on possessiveness, greed and doubts

    To get the best out of Ayurveda, you should go to a qualified practitioner and then follow through on the recommendations based on your current balance of doshas. However, if you are curious, you can first try some quick online quizzes to find your balance:



    Image Credit: marketing-deluxe.at

  2. Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

    October 17, 2013

    by Joanna Hughes

    Does the power of positive thinking have the ability to heal the human body? What about religious belief, or the commitment to spiritual wholeness? In all cases, an increasing amount of scientific research point in the direction of “yes.”

    Scientists from all over the world are discovering what many ancient cultures have known since the beginning of time: enabling balance between mind, body and soul promotes comprehensive wellness and improved quality of life.


    Meditate for Better Health
    While spirituality is often associated with religious practice, it can also be derived from secular sources, such as meditation. A recent study conducted collaboratively between Milwaukee’s Medical College of Wisconsin and Fairfield and Iowa’s Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention of the Maharishi University of Management suggests that people with coronary artery disease reap significant therapeutic value from transcendental meditation.

    Total peace
    It’s not just relaxing, meditation is good for your physical health!

    Participants in the study experienced a 50% decrease in risk of heart attack and stroke compared to the placebo group. Presented at the American Heart Association meeting, this study joins a wealth of other results connecting spirituality to overall well-being. In fact, the establishment of a meditative practice has been linked to everything from decreased blood pressure to lessening chemotherapy-related nausea to reducing chronic pain.

    Religion, too, has been scientifically linked to better physical health, with studies demonstrating fewer emergency room visits as well as faster recovery from heart surgery by patients who profess strong religious beliefs.


    Mind Control
    Other research results–evaluating everything from group therapy’s influence on breast cancer survival rates to the effects of biofeedback on migraine headaches in children–demonstrate the power of mind over matter when it comes to health. Unfortunately, the relationship can also work in reverse: for example, chronic illness is a major cause of depression.


    So Now What?
    Now that the connection has been established, the next step is applying this information in a meaningful way. Proper nutrition and healthy eating are cure-alls for a number of physical ailments, and can lead to improved mental energy as well as a heightened sense of fulfillment. If you are religious, attending services or becoming involved with your church or synagogue can have a beneficial bearing on your well-being. Non-secular programs which integrate the mind and the body include meditation, yoga, and group therapy.

    Hippocrates himself was a believer in the connection between mind, body and soul. Considered the father of modern medicine, he promoted balance as an important component of ideal health.

    Hippocrates figured it out thousands of years ago.

    Today’s physicians are increasingly accepting this ancient wisdom, which forms the basis for contemporary integrative medicine. After all, we can acknowledge that the body and mind are biologically programmed to communicate with each other. It is not a far reach to conclude, therefore, that one’s positive or negative state has direct bearing on the other. It is a complex system of connectedness, and one which we are only beginning to comprehend.


  3. Making a Commitment to Your Positive Mental Health

    October 15, 2013

    Making a Commitment to Your Positive Mental Health

    by Kari Lloyd

    No matter what your current life circumstances are, it is essential to maintain your mental health. After all, many of mental health problems can be caused by issues from your past, and this makes it imperative to consciously take steps to improve your overall sense of well-being. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to gain control over your mental health, and placing an emphasis on these techniques will make it much easier to remain positive during every aspect of your life.

    Six Tips for Improving Your Mental Health

    1) Counseling – Everyone needs to talk about their problems, and it is not always beneficial enough to discuss everything with a friend. Instead, you can utilize the services of a trained counselor to work through all of your issues in a safe environment. As an added bonus, a counselor can introduce you to coping techniques that will make it easier to deal with all of the aspects of your daily life that cause you to feel stressed out or depressed.

    2) Exercise – One of the best ways to achieve and maintain a more upbeat outlook on life is to exercise on a regular basis. Although it can be difficult to get motivated to work out if you are feeling depressed, you will quickly begin to experience the positive mental benefits that accompany even the most simplistic exercise routine. Therefore, even if you do not feel up to it, you should force yourself to take a walk at least three or four times a week in order to help regulate your mood.

    3) Socialize – Anyone who has ever dealt with depression knows how easy it is to lose touch with your friends and loved ones. However, allowing yourself to become socially disconnected is a huge mistake that will only exacerbate your depression. In order to avoid this problem, you should make social commitments at least once a week to ensure that you get out of the house on a regular basis.

    4) Express Yourself Creatively – Whether you are interested in drawing, writing, making music or scrapbooking, you should definitely enable yourself to release your emotions through a creative outlet. This will give you a positive way to channel your negative emotions, and it will also help you improve your self-esteem.

    5) Make a Promise To Yourself – You might have heard of couples making promises to care and support each other with rings, so why not make the same commitment to yourself? A promise ring or small token can motivate to remember that you’re important to and keep you focused when you feel you’re going off the tracks.

    6) Join a Support Group – If you are dealing with a specific issue such as a serious illness or abuse, you should consider joining a support group. This will give you another opportunity to express your feelings in a safe environment, and it can also be very comforting to speak with other people who have had the same experiences.

    As long as you remain committed to improving your mental health, you should begin seeing positive results relatively quickly. Keep in mind that you are still going to have ups and downs, but you should be able to manage them more effectively by giving yourself at least one proven outlet for dealing with your feelings.

    Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/22498741@N02/2425844539

  4. Escaping Depression: A Middle Class Kid’s Guide

    October 11, 2013

    dealing with depression

    by Tyler Fleck

    I feel like a ton of people have this kind of story, the success story that is supposed to be uplifting, and drag how many readers out of a dark hole just on the merit of its ideals and noble notions. But, though I truly hope this can help, this is more of a story of how I dealt with a very dark time in my life, rather than a cure all. I hold no illusions of grandeur, no misappropriated ideals of myself—I know I’m no psychologist or therapist—but, I do know what worked for me, and maybe it can help some of you who might be dealing with a similar issue to work through it. At the least, perhaps it can give you another angle to work from. Anyways, here’s my story of how I was able to defeat depression.


    When I was younger, I went through a period of time where I felt literally nothing can go right. My friends had all moved away—save a loyal few—I couldn’t catch a break in the dating world, and my family life was crumbling as my favorite relatives left one by one, and my parents divorced. Waking up in the mornings was harder and harder every day, and it came to a point—after one of my best friends and mentors died in a car crash—that I started feeling like the darkness was never going to end.

    I felt depressed, lonely, and sometimes I just wondered what the point was. It was hard, to say the least.

    And yet, at the time, I had this strange dichotomy underscoring my life. It wasn’t really apparent at the time, but I was doing well in school, the bullies—who had marred my life before this difficult time—had all moved on to different targets (or different schools) and I still had those aforementioned loyal friends who always seemed to be there for me, even when we had our differences. But, still, I had my problems, and I had to deal with them, which I did in the only way I knew how—by throwing myself into my passions.

    Escaping the Darkness

    I remember, as a younger kid, when things got really bad, I would retreat into my books and my video games to get away from it all. With all the news as of late, many of you might think that’s wrong, that this would just open up a path for me to become some psycho serial-killer; but, for me, I truly needed the escape. Video games and movies and books gave me a whole separate land to go to that I could be king. Nothing was truly impossible, and I had a chance to get out of my head for a while, and just enjoy life. It’s strange to hear, but I think these fantasy lands actually gave me a strange sort of self-confidence; it was just easier to be me while I was playing/reading, and that transferred into the real world after a while. Even more importantly, I started gaining new friends just through common interests in these medias, which really helped me throughout Jr. High and High school, the period of time when I was rebuilding my life.

    Friends and Therapy

    But, with all this said, I don’t want to promote escapism as the only way to fix your problems. I loved playing video games, reading, and throwing myself into projects that would take my mind off of everything else, but that was only part of what I did to save my mental health. I talked to the people close to me (though there weren’t many), pried the minds of whoever would listen (of which there were even fewer), and did the same for others who needed it. Yeah, at the end of the day, those conversations only lasted a few minutes—and sometimes I would go weeks without anyone to talk about where I was in life—but, those few, fleeting moments of true human connection kept me feeling happy, alive even. It was in those moments that I knew I wasn’t completely alone, and I clung to those as hard as I could. I allowed them to drag me out of the dark place I lived in, and it got me where I am today; a perfectly functioning, outgoing individual.

    I also gained a major appreciation for therapy out of this period of time, as I found a wonderful therapist—a family friend—who was really able to connect to me on an emotional level, and kind of help me through all the bad parts of my life. Honestly, I was really lucky in finding someone who could, in conjunction with my friends, help me see the things that I wasn’t seeing, which I now think is probably the hardest part of getting out of a depressed state. It really was so difficult to appreciate the better parts of my life, when everything else seemed so bad. This is kind of why I have such a high appreciation for therapy now, and is precisely why I it makes me happy to see therapy becoming a much more integral part of our society. I really think that, though it doesn’t work for everyone, just having someone to talk to is the key to getting around the darkness in your life, and a therapist gives you that person if you don’t really have anyone else.

    No Regrets

    The strange thing is, I don’t look back on those moments of darkness and wish they never happened—not anymore at least. I mean, I have no doubt life would have been better then without them, and who knows, maybe it would be better now. But, I honestly feel stronger now because of it. I can see my weaknesses for what they were, and I can push myself as far away from them as possible, which has garnered me a rather large social circle, and an even closer relationship with my friends and family, who stuck with me through thick and thin.

    I know that my story probably isn’t as sad, or as hardship-filled, as many who share here on this blog; but I also know that there are a lot of people out there who do have it good, who have loving friends and family and yet cannot see how great things are because of an unnamed inner turmoil. This story is for you, because sometimes it’s hardest to see that light when it’s everywhere but right in front of you. Just take it from me, someone who has also gone through what you have; you just have to look around a bit to find it.

    Image Credit: Daniel Horacio Agostini at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dhammza/94194086

  5. Set Goals Regularly to Live a More Meaningful Life

    October 9, 2013

    meaningful life

    by Adrienne Erin

    The importance of goal setting for a happy, productive life cannot be understated. The pleasure of working towards and attaining a goal brings happiness, satisfaction and pride. Too often, however, people think goal setting only applies to “big ticket” desires such as finishing school, saving for a vacation or finding true love.

    We tend to forget how helpful goal setting is on a daily basis. Plus, the more we use goal setting for small, daily tasks, the more skilled we become at planning, working towards and attaining goals of any size.

    Daily Goal Setting

    Every evening before I go to bed, I write down five small goals for the next day. They could relate to anything: work, volunteering experiences, enriching my relationships with loved ones, what I’ll cook for dinner or anything else. I organize these five goals in order of importance and when I’ll have time to do them.

    When I get up, I glance at the first item of my to-do list, and work towards its completion. I go down the list, completing each item and ticking it off as I go. At the end of the day, I brainstorm five new goals for the next day.

    More Than a To-Do List

    If you think this sounds like a daily to-do list, you’re right – up to a point. More importantly than a daily list of accomplishments, my daily to-do list is also a training tool. I practice the essentials of goal setting every day: brainstorming goals, prioritizing goals and working towards their completion. My daily to-do list is the foundation for attaining larger goals.

    In addition to my daily list, I make a weekly goal list at the start of every week, listing one or two goals I want to attain that week. I do the same for each month, every six months, each year, and five years. My goal schedule may look something like this:

    • Daily goals: Clean the bathroom, drop off son at karate practice, write four blog entries, surprise husband with supper, and weed front flower bed.
    • Week-long Goals: spend a day with parents, collect items for local food drive, clean out garage.
    • Monthly Goals: Paint living room, try five new recipes, use coupons more frequently to save money, find time to help at the local library.
    • Six-Month Goal: Save $150 a month for Christmas and $50 a month to donate to a charity.
    • Year-long Goal: Pay off car loan early by adding $50 a month to payments, spend more time for self-development and inspirational reading
    • Five-year Goal: Plan, save and prepare for Costa Rica hiking vacation with my family, learn Spanish.

    Your goal list will probably look quite different. What are the small tasks that just never seem to get done? It can help to start tackling those. If you’ve been dreaming for months now to repaint the living room, break the goal down into smaller tasks and incorporate them into your to-do list, like so:

    • Today: Stop by hardware store and pick up paint chips, choose a color.
    • This week: Return to store and purchase paint and dropcloths.
    • This month: Set aside several hours to move furniture away from walls, put down dropcloths, tape borders, and paint the walls.

    If you’re raising money for a local charity drive, your to-do list might look more like this:

    • Today: Post on Facebook about the charity, email coworkers about the charity.
    • This week: Raise $100 from friends, family, and other contacts
    • This month: Reach my $400 fundraising goal.

    The task was probably overwhelming until you actually took the time to plan out all of the steps you would need to take and when they need to get done.

    Start Small, Dream Big

    Goal setting can overwhelm people if they start with large, long-term goals. This is especially true if you’re coming out of a significant life change, such as divorce, the death of a loved one, or a long-term hospital stay.

    Start small, with daily goals. As you become more confident in your ability to set and attain goals, move on to weekly goals, then monthly and so on. While at first it may seem intimidating, coming up with six-month, year-long, and five-year goals, over time it will become more freeing. These will probably change little from week to week, but if you get a new idea for a long-term goal, add it to your list! A long-term goal can be almost anything, from “learn Russian” to “quit drinking.”

    Before you know it, you’ll be setting goals for five years down the road. With those in mind, what can you do to prepare for, save for, or start accomplishing those goals today? Mapping out your life with short- and long-term goals is immensely satisfying, and helps you identify how you really want to live.

    Image Credit: Mark Sebastian – http://www.flickr.com/photos/markjsebastian/3028568109

  6. You Are the Creator of Your Destiny

    October 7, 2013

    creator of your destiny

    Many people have the view that karma is the doer of everything. It is destiny that makes and does things. Such people believe they are fated by their karma to be like they are and there is nothing that can change them.

    For an intelligent person it is all deceptive, such a person will never put restrictions on his ability. An intellectual man believes that he has to make his own destiny with his thoughts and actions. By saying ‘it’s my destiny and I cannot change it’, a person is only limiting is abilities and is creating walls around him that will not break until the person wants to break them down with power of his thoughts and actions.

    Do we control our destiny?

    It is a simple question, but very difficult to answer – Do we control our own destiny? Majority of people act as if their destiny is pre-created. There are only a few who believe they have the capacity to change, and only these few plan, execute and dream of a better future despite the challenges they face in life.

    Almost all of us lead our lives according to desires, personal bonds, duties, family obligations, planning and accidental happenings. In such a scenario believing that you create your own destiny, you can take your own decisions and make your own choices in life and make the best efforts to shape existence the way you want it to be. Positive frame of mind and belief aren’t the only things that make your destiny, hard work and destiny go hand in hand.

    Listed below are a few ways about how you can work on your life and be the creator of your own destiny.

    • Dream and share in your network

    Dream about your goals, dream about what you want to be and don’t limit your dreams to yourself. Share your dreams with other like-minded individuals in your network because you never know when someone would show up in life and help you achieve your dreams.

    • Focus on health to make your destiny

    You must have heard – health is wealth, so it is, there is nothing that you can do without good health. It is important for you to focus on good health and nutrition. Without health you cannot labor and without hard work you cannot make your own destiny.

    • Plan as much as possible and then work in a focused direction

    In the process of creating your own destiny, it is important to examine and discuss all the aspects of your life – personal and professional – and then plan accordingly to achieve happiness and success. Without a plan you don’t know where you are going, so plan towards making your own destiny. It is however important to be pragmatic in planning. Your plans should reflect what is physically possible (keeping the available resources and limitations in mind) only then you will be inclined at working hard to fulfill your plans.

    • Pursue your goals

    There is no point planning if you are not going to work in order to execute your plans. Your actions are directly proportional to the results, thus the best way to pursue your goals is to do a little bit (towards the goal) every single day of your life to pursue your destiny.

    • Do not limit your belief and fear

    There are a couple of things that can hold you back from fulfilling your destiny – your self-limitations and fear are a few of them. Do not let your belief be limited, and never fear anything, do what you fear and your fear will certainly disappear.

    • Aim for the impossible and get the best possible

    You have the ability to make your own destiny, so make decisions and act upon them whether you realize it or not. Never limit your goals, set high standards for yourself. Setting high goals will let you see the invisible and those who can see the invisible can achieve the impossible and create their own destiny.


    This post was provided by MTSRoller: Headquartered in New York, MTSRoller.com is an online store specializing in skincare products such as derma rollers & high end Korean skin creams. The company has a strong presence in the United States and Canada. Authentic products sourced from leading brands at a discounted price are shipped overnight by MTSRoller to its customers all over the world. You can follow MTSRoller on Twitter: @MTSRollercom.

    Image Credit: Hilde Skjølberg – http://www.flickr.com/photos/hebe/2575732319/

  7. 4 Tips To Convert Your Lazy Mind Towards Healthy Mind

    September 29, 2013

    feeling lazy

    by John Sun

    Laziness is really a frame of mind. We decide our habits, including the sluggish ones. Keep reading to learn ways to quit your lazy state and start moving ahead! How you can Stop Being Lazy?

    1.     Self-Confessions and Self-Reset
    • Confess that you’re lazy

    Similar to any recuperation plan, step one at this point is confessing that you have a problem. If you cannot be prepared for it, you will not make any efforts to improve it. On the other hand, it’s not necessary to encounter any public embarrassment. You can maintain this for yourself. No one has to understand that you are even considering it, aside from aiming to make positive changes to lazy routines.

    • Avoid delegating

    Lazy folks prefer to delegate. Quite a bit,You need that remote control? Get out of bed and find it yourself. You desperately want that garlic bread for lunch? Stroll the feet to your vehicle and go get it! Convenience has turned into a Massive selling place in America due to laziness. The reason why keep filling Madison Voie pockets once you could be filling your own?

    2.     Stimulate Your Mind
    • Enough Sleep

    So as to make any improvement to stimulating the mind, it’s vital you get ample sleep. A great night’s slumber produces a delighted mind that you could work well with on your waking hours. The advised level of daily sleep is approximately 8 hours. Hitting the hay late and over sleeping to recompense isn’t as useful for brain stimulation. Fall asleep early on to provide you with a full night’s sleep.

    • Physical Activity

    In some cases the mind and the brawn need interactiongetthe best results. Acquiring lots of workout is an efficient way of mind activation since it boosts breathable oxygen circulation to your mind. Physical exercise will help with preventing problems like diabetic issues that induce loss of memory. This does not imply you must shell out hours at the fitness center strength training. Rather, find routines that are pleasurable, just like taking part in your favorite sport.

    3.     Blend Mind Exercise With Diet Plan
    • Psychological Exercise

    Right after your sleep and physical activity schedule have pulled your mind into tip-top condition, it is possible to concentrate your power on a number of psychological exercises. To get a simple, enjoyable mind exercise, focus on the crossword puzzle every day. Furthermore try to make some multitude that you experienced by taking a fresh path to work, feeding on new meals or utilizing your non-dominant hands for some time on a daily basis. These types of new activities provide your mind a good workout by overwhelming it to create new associations. You can also go to a fresh place, take part in imaginative activities such as making artwork or songs, or just read a magazine. The number of choices to workout your mind are countless, therefore choose a task you will find tough and exciting — once you find enjoyment in an exercising you will stick to it.

    • Wholesome Dietary Program

    It is usually very easy to get into bad eating routine when you are on the run, however enhancing your diet plan can excite your mind. Research shows that Trans fatty acids, the solidified oils found in numerous fast foods can in fact degrade mental abilities. Steer clear of these “bad” fatty acids and rather take on the kinds which come from items like coconut oil, seafood and nut products to give your mind an improvement of wholesome omega-3s.

    4.     Detoxify Your Body

    Detox the body. Toxic build-up in your body may cause brain fogginess, distress and momentary loss of memory. Cilantro is beneficial in eliminating chemical toxins; taken ½ tbsp.Healthy cilantro every day and drink lots of water. Burdock core as well as crimson clover will provide immunity blood vessels cleansers.

    Give up smoking cigarettes. In accordance with U.S. Reports & Earth Report, using tobacco has an effect on the brain straightaway. It harms crucial synapses, which link body cells to one another.

    Get nutritional supplements, for example ginkgo biloba that boosts brain blood flow so it helps eliminate harmful toxins. Yoga breathing workouts also help find more breathable oxygen into the bloodstream and the human brain.

    Image Credit: Natalie Johnson – http://www.flickr.com/photos/nataliejohnson/2996790483

  8. How To Recover From a Failed Relationship

    September 23, 2013

    lost love

    by Connie Jameson

    While looking for our one perfect love, we usually run across a few loves that only seem to be “the one and only”. And then we say goodbye to our illusions, which on the other hand usually helps us make the decision of breaking up with our partner.

    No matter whether the decision of separation comes from you or your partner, the recovery from a failed relationship is never easy. Living though this period sometimes takes a lot of time and in order to learn how to bear the whole process more easily, you need to have in mind some of the specialists’ advices that will help you turn back to your “normal” way of life sooner.

    Separate like grown-ups

    Save yourself the insults, arguments, unwanted arguments and infidelity. Be honest with yourself and your ex-partner and try to separate as friends.

    Remember that you won’t feel better if you start blaming your partner for everything that happened between you two, because it is very likely to get the same amount of insults and this usually means that things will get ugly.

    If you are married and you have made the serious decision of getting divorced, make it as quickly as you can – the sooner all divorce procedures end up, the faster you will be able to start your new life.

    Do not idealize your ex

    Often, some people who were walked out on, are inclined to create an idealistic image of the person who is no longer in their life and start blaming themselves for losing the Perfect One. Don’t do that. This way you will only create a non-existing image that you will not be willing to let go easily. Try to face the fact that everybody has their flaws. The same applies to your ex.

    Leave the home you have shared with your ex

    Try to do the same with all the places where you have been together. Do not put some salt in your own wounds and stop visiting your favourite places, trying to remember the good old days. Change your home, choose another restaurant where you can go in the Friday nights and keep yourself away from all the places that are able to recall the pain back.

    Find yourself a new hobby

    Start working out, or visit the local theatre more often, start going out with some friends, etc. In other words – start doing everything that you have wanted to do when you had a relationship. Watching romantic movies is strictly prohibited, you can see why, right?


    Prepare yourself for the changes in your life

    When it’s a fact, the separation and the failed relationship is hanging over your head like a sword, and you think that the pain will never go away. That is not the right approach. Try thinking of all the positive things in your life that are yet to follow. It is time to make changes.

    Do not make hasty decisions and start a new relationship very soon

    Some people rush into a new relationship right after they have broken up with someone just because they are scared of staying alone. Do not become one of these people.

    Wait for a while in order to put your feelings in order before letting yourself fall in love again. Have some rest in order to give yourself the opportunity of taking another person into your life. And the most important thing – when that happens sooner or later, do not compare the new person with your ex spouse. This is not healthy for your new relationship.

    Take advantage of the separation

    Make some conclusions from this painful separation. Analyze your mistakes, as well as the mistakes of your ex. Of course, don’t forget to point out your advantages. In other words – become a better person and starts loving yourself the way you are.


    Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fotorita/2587226758

  9. From the Outside In: How to Overcome Physical Insecurities

    September 19, 2013

    Physical insecurities, especially skin imperfections like acne and skin blemishes, take a toll on more than just the outward appearance. Affecting positive self-image and healthy self-esteem, the internal, mental harm caused by physical insecurities often outweighs the imperfection itself. Overcome physical insecurities by bringing focus from the outside, in.

    Balance logic and emotion

    Overcome a physical insecurity by approaching it with logic. First, research the condition thoroughly.  For example, if acne is the problem, read about symptoms, causes, and medications prescribed to reduce breakouts.  From the information gathered, form a written plan.  Detail the steps needed to tackle the insecurity and enlist help from professionals like doctors, dermatologists, and psychologists.  Journal daily and take pictures to track progress.  Give yourself a timeline to follow, keeping in mind that most treatment plans will take several weeks.

    As you approach each step in your treatment plan, be mindful of your emotions.  Recognize how you feel nervous as you meet the dermatologist for the first time, but don’t let the feeling hold you back from completing the visit.  Allow yourself to feel angry about the scar on your face, but don’t let it consume your self-image.

    If you start to feel overwhelmed with emotion, switch gears to think logically.  Revisit your written plan and give yourself props for all of the positive steps you have taken in your quest to overcome your physical insecurity.

    Stand up against bullies, including yourself!

    Dealing with a physical insecurity increases one’s susceptibility to bullying. Don’t underestimate the hurt stemming from the teasing and name-calling that go hand-in-hand with physical insecurities.

    Such harassment is not only annoying and aggravating,  it holds the power to destroy self-esteem, causing the onset of serious mental health concerns, like depression or anxiety.  Bullying may even be a factor in suicide.  Stand up for yourself if you are bullied about your physical insecurity.

    In addition to warding off a bully, pay attention to how you treat yourself.  Deeply consider your own inward thoughts, and come to terms with any harsh self-criticisms holding you hostage.  Journal to get in touch with your true feelings about your outward appearance and physical insecurity.  Get all the negativeness out of your system.

    Process through the rich emotions and mental scars weighing down your subconscious, giving power to your insecurities.  Self-reflection brings hard feelings to surface and may be difficult to endure.  However, the personal growth from serious contemplation will be worth the struggle.

    Grow patient, my friend

    When a physical insecurity arises, like the onset of an acne breakout or a skin rash, achieving results seems like an eternity away.  Stressing out about unsightly bumps and facial blemishes comes naturally. Some people tend to opt for quick treatments from professional skin care facilities.

    Growing obsessive about the condition sends our bodies into fight or flight mode, making it difficult to eat, sleep, concentrate, and carry out daily routines.  Stress hormones rage through the body, making skin irritations worse.   While you may have no control over the physical insecurity, you can certainly take charge of the way your body reacts to the stress you feel from your condition.

    Overcome a physical insecurity by lowering the stress associated with the impurity.  Understand that you have choices in how you think about physical insecurities.  You can choose to be consumed with the problem, constantly stewing and stressing.

    Or you can choose to grow patient and calm your mind when negative thoughts start to bog you down.  Since most physical insecurities don’t disappear overnight, learning to calm the mind while dealing with the insecurity and its stress may save your sanity.

    Grow patient by practicing yoga and meditation.  Both are ancient forms of healing the mind and body and offer a comprehensive range of benefits.  Yoga is also known to increase self-esteem and positive self-image, while regulating the release of stress hormones. Routine practice of yoga and meditation help in calming the mind and will make it easier to deal with a physical insecurity.

    Image Credit: Helga Weber – https://www.flickr.com/photos/helga/4060091785

  10. How to Break the Mental Barriers Caused by Hopelessness and Anxiety

    September 18, 2013

    break mental barriers

    by Sue Chehrenegar

    Unlike a brick wall, a mental barrier is not something that is easy to see. Sometimes, friends and family members fail to note the telltale signs of hopelessness and helplessness. They fail to recognize the mental barrier that has resulted in a lack of positive thinking. The person who lacks such thinking often seems to expect that any experience will have a negative outcome.

    Some people fail to note the positive aspect to any situation. Some men and women even refuse to seek out the “silver lining” around any cloud. If such feelings of hopelessness and helplessness are carried to the extreme, the affected individual may find it impossible to see a reason for living. In other words, such a person has failed to recognize the meaning of life.

    Obviously, such feelings could cause someone to consider committing suicide. That is especially true if someone has refused to search for meaning. The people who answer calls to a suicide hot line must be ready to banish a caller’s anxious feelings and to instill renewed hope into the caller’s mind. The caller must show a caring attitude, so that there can be no question that the caller’s perception of failed hope must be re-examined.

    Mankind has been seeking help with problems for centuries. It could not have advanced to the point where it is today, if every potential inventor/innovator chose to give-up, when the going got tough. He or she gained the motivation to continue by recognizing the care and understanding in a friend or relative.  Even if you are not ready to recognize the love of your creator, you can learn to seek out and to find love in the world in which you live.

    That world is full of amazing gifts. As you come across more and more of the gifts that have been bestowed on the people of this world, you should understand better why you ought to be happy and hopeful. Ideally, you will feel less agitated. You will start to feel at ease in your heart and soul.

    Sometimes a person focuses on trying to have a normal life. In that case, he or she may get depressed, after suffering an illness. The person who must live with a medical condition may not have what others view as a normal life. However, once that condition has been treated properly, he or she can enjoy a full and useful life.

    Another behavior that can invite feels of despair is backstabbing. You are not going to have many friends, if you make a habit of backbiting about them constantly. No friend is perfect; still that fact should not be used as an excuse for being disloyal. Friends should help each other to strengthen their talents and skills and to eliminate any big weakness in their character.

    Recently, I learned about the death of a friend’s husband. Soon after I had been informed about that sad news, I discovered that a gentleman who was one of my Facebook friends had been the college roommate of the recently-deceased husband. He even posted on FB the picture of he and his roommate on the day of their graduation.

    At that time, both appeared full of hope. Both appeared to have a very positive attitude, although I do not think that either of them had a job at that time. Eventually both went to graduate school and became college professors. Each discovered how to confront challenges by finding a way to empower the spirit and strengthen exhausted nerves.

    A willingness to open the eyes can be used as a way to empower the spirit and strengthen the nerves. It can aid with recognition of the beauty and love that is in the world; it can facilitate a search for meaning. Those men and women who are ready to acknowledge the presence of that love and beauty are not apt to have disturbing thoughts. Each of them can look forward to a life that is full of meaning and hope.

    Image Credit: Mark Sebastian at http://www.flickr.com/photos/markjsebastian/2820214199