1. Geriatric Depression

    December 14, 2013

    Geriatric Depression

    There are millions of people in the world today who struggle with depression. It is one of the most common reasons why people visit doctors, whose typical response is to prescribe anti-depressants. Any human have struggled with depression at some point in their life. Maybe a close friend or a family member passed away, maybe the love of your life broke your heart, maybe you feel stuck in a situation that you cannot figure out a way to get out of, whichever the case, depression can be found everywhere. One thing many people do not realize is that the elderly get hit by depressed especially hard. In western countries the rate of depression among elderly could run as high as 20% overall with 30-40% among those living in institutions.

    Why they are struggling with depression.

    The elderly typically struggle with depression because they feel that their life has no purpose anymore. They raised their children, worked at their job until retirement, and accomplished all that they needed to when they were younger. They may also be dealing with recent deaths, health issues, or loneliness.

    How to help them.

    Even if you are struggling with depression yourself, helping others is a form of making you feel happier and more accomplished and is actually a way to fight your depression. One of the greatest actions you can take if you are struggling with depression is helping others who are in the same situation, including the elderly. They need to feel love and hope just as you do. Volunteer at a nursing home, visit the elderly in the hospital a few times a week, or even just make friends with the elderly person who visits your work every day. You can help each other fight depression and maybe even become good friends in the process.

    Encourage therapy.

    Plenty of people today go to therapy to try to work through the problems in a healthy way. If you know an elderly friend who is struggling with depression, encourage them to go to therapy to try to work through the negative feelings. A therapist will try to figure out what the cause of the depression is and once they know that, they can come up with a solution together.

    The elderly should feel good as they age.

    Typically, the elderly have accomplished a lot in their lives and are looking forward to their older years as a time to relax and enjoy life to the fullest. If they are struggling with depression, they will not be able to enjoy their last years. Encourage your elderly friends to feel good as they age and know that life is good. Their lives are not over and they still have fun times ahead of them. Encourage your elderly friends or family members to continue to live life to the fullest and remember that they are important to you.

    Everyone can struggle with depression and most people have at some point in their life. Take the steps to fight the depression and live your life in happiness and peace.

    Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nwardez/4033116300